
Thursday, January 8, 2015

My life: glamorous

Hey, hello. Happy new year. I just wanted to drop by and tell you all how our family is doing, in case you're interested in that.

Jordan's doing well. He's really busy at work with projects and a bunch of new guys he has to babysit. He's been reading a lot of comics/graphic novels as usual and doing a decent amount of drawing, which he is amazing at.

Since we finished Dexter, we've been filling the void with A LOT of Game Grumps. And Adventure Time. And Gravity Falls. We had to catch up on over 100 episodes, I think. That's what you get for obsessively watching a tv show for a month and a half. You fall behind, man!

I've been pretty happy lately. And really bored. I was so bored the other day that I convinced my parents to let me tag along with them as they went grocery shopping. My life: glamorous. Honestly, I'm ready to start working again. But I'm waiting until we move out of this town. There are just some complications that I don't want to deal with is all.

We love our new car. I think we decided her name was Tina. Like the strong, smart, sensual Tina from Bob's Burgers.

Our hamster is happy, probably. She sleeps all day in her little dome full of poop and runs around her cage at night, doing who knows what. Whenever Jordan plays with her, she tries her hardest to get to the floor. That's always her main objective in playing: find a way to get down to the floor to run away and never be seen again. She loves to jump (fall) off the couch in order to achieve this goal. She also likes to burrow into things that can't be burrowed into. Like Jordan's stomach.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Some stuff

Some stuff has happened to us since we went to Disneyland:

Jordan got a new job that pays way, way better than his old one.
We bought a hamster and named it Grayble.
We had bed bugs. Yes, you can see them. Yes, you can feel them. Yes, it's disgusting.
I found a medication that works amazing for me and I feel happy/stable most of the time.
We bought a car. Like, for real. Like, with a car loan and stuff. We're such grown-ups.
I drove for the first time in over a year because I wanted to test drive the car. I REALLY like the car.
I got Jordan addicted to Dexter.
I made some books.


This is Grayble. She is cute.

This is my rainbow book. I made my own
stencil to do the chevron cover which is why
it looks a little messy.

This is my sudoku book.

See? Sudoku.

I wish I had a picture of our car to show you but I don't. Sorry. It's a used 2014 Ford Focus. You can Google it if you're that curious.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

We went to Disneyland last week. Have some pictures.

Oh, there you are, Perry.

To answer your question, yes, it was VERY DELICIOUS.

Friday, February 21, 2014

It's been sooooooooo long

Hi there. It's been a while, hasn't it?

Jordan and I moved from Riverton to somewhere else. We moved so we could be closer to Jordan's new(ish) job. He does web stuff for Perfectly Posh, which is awesome because it means I get to try out a lot of fun products for free, awww yeah.

Our new ward is pretty good, but... I'm kinda sorta taking a break from church again. There are just too many things that are bothering me right now. The way I see it is this: I want to stay in the Church, but if that's going to happen, I'm going to need some distance to process some pretty intense stuff for a while. I wish it didn't have to be this way. I actually really miss going to church and feeling spiritually uplifted and feeling generally good about the Church. My heart longs to somehow have a healthy relationship with the Church again, even after becoming aware of some of the negative things they have done in the past and continue to do presently.

Probably the biggest development in my life right now is that I've started therapy. Yup. I finally did it. My therapist seems like a really good match for me and I'm excited to get to work and figure out this depression/anxiety thing, because I'm ready to move on.

On a lighter note, I've been making lots of books lately, and that's been fun. Want to see some of them? Okay!

Basic codex

Coptic binding

Long stitch on a recycled candy box

Spiral bound

Japanese stab binding (the notes are for a Nancy Drew computer game)